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Donate to the CXB Mural Project!

The Chesapeake Beach Civic League is excited to be partnering with an amazing local artist to paint a beautiful mural on the outside wall of Jr. Market. Any donations made on this page will directly fund the project. Funds will go towards the cost of supplies and a modest stipend to the artist. Learn more about the project, below. Thank you Jaimie for donating your time and talents! 



THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL IMAGE of what the mural will be based upon. The artist, Jaimie Phillips, shares more about her idea: The concept is about Salacia, King Neptune’s wife and goddess of the Sea. At first she didn’t want to marry Neptune and decided to hide in the Atlantic Ocean. King Neptune sent a dolphin to go find her, which proved successful, and Salacia ended up accepting Neptune’s marriage proposal. Neptune was so thrilled that he gave the dolphin a place in the stars we know of today as the Delphinus constellation. Once the mural is painted it will be as if Salacia is again hiding out in Chic's Beach, while King Neptune's statue is at the oceanfront.

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