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October General Membership Meeting

  • 17 Oct 2022
  • 7:00 PM
  • Commonwealth Brewing Company

Registration is closed

All neighbors are welcome to join us for our monthly meeting. Members who have paid their civic league dues prior to the meeting are eligible to vote. The 2023 CBCL Officer Candidate Slate will be announced at the October meeting and voted on at the November meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

Chesapeake Beach Civic League

General Membership Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 17, 2022, 7:00 PM

Commonwealth Brewery

I.                     Welcome                                                                TJ Morgan, CBCL President

II.                   Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance            TJ Morgan, CBCL President

III.                 Membership Report                                            Cami Best-Jones, CBCL Vice President

IV.                Secretary’s Report                                              Gaylon Montgomery, CBCL Secretary

V.                  Treasurer’s Report                                              Gaylon Montgomery, CBCL Secretary

VI.                Sponsorship Update                                            Jeanine Montgomery, CBCL Business Liaison

VII.               City Council Update                                             Delceno Miles, Bayside District Council Representative

VIII.             Guest Speakers*

a.       John Moss, Candidate for City Council District

b.       Joash Schulman, Candidate for City Council District 9

c.       Erika Guess, Candidate for School Board District 9

d.       Carolyn Weems, Candidate for School Board District 9

IX.                 Virginia Beach Police Department                  Officer Shoenbach, 3rd Precinct

X.                   Architectural Preservation and Zoning            Matt Baumgarten, CBCL Committee Chair

XI.                 National Night Out/Pirate Fest                         Jenny Williams, CBCL Neighborhood Watch Chair

XII.               Chesapeake Beach Sand Replenishment        Dan Adams, Coastal Program Manager, City of VB

XIII.             Chesapeake Beach Historic District Update   Mark Reed, Historic Preservation Planner and Debra McClane, Architectural Historian

XIV.             CBCL 2023 Slate of Officers                                TJ Morgan, CBCL President

XV.              Good of the Order                                                TJ Morgan, CBCL President

XVI.             Adjourn                                                                  TJ Morgan, CBCL President

*Please hold all questions for candidates as each will have two minutes to speak. Candidates who choose to stay may be available after the meeting is adjourned to answer questions.

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