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We are a volunteer-led group serving our neighborhood. All residents (home owners and renters) of Chic's Beach are eligible to become members.



Why Chic's Beach?

Chic’s Beach wasn’t given its nickname because that’s where the chicks are. Chesapeake Beach (Chic’s Beach) derives from Luther “Chic” Ledington, who with his wife ran a hot dog stand on the beach where Buoy 44 is now located.

Maps of the area identify Chesapeake Beach as the region east of the amphibious base to Baylake Beach, less than a mile away, and north to Shore Drive. Older maps, dating back to the 18th century, identify the area as Pleasure House, likely named for The Pleasure House, a tavern that catered to Confederate soldiers.

Chesapeake Beach popped up on maps around World War I and has since become an established eclectic community-focused neighborhood. .

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All residents (home owners and renters) of Chic's Beach are invited to join the Chesapeake Beach Civic League. Membership dues are renewed annually by calendar year. Check this map to see if your address is within the boundaries of Chesapeake Beach.

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